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Address: ap bung binh, xa hoa thanh, tp ca mau, tinh ca mau

During the reign of Minh Mang (1820-1840), France sent consuls and envoys to Vietnam many times to request trade but were rejected by the Nguyen court. Using the excuse that Vietnam refused to hand over and killed clergy and parishioners, the French Government decided to use force to realize its ambitions. On September 1, 1858, the French-Spanish coalition attacked Da Nang, beginning the invasion of Vietnam. On February 17, 1859, the French army opened fire to capture Gia Dinh citadel. In just 8 years, with political and military tricks, France invaded all 6 provinces of Cochinchina. With patriotism and indomitable will, many patriotic scholars in the South did not follow the court's policy of making peace with France, and rallied the people to revolt against the invading French colonialists. France broke out, but due to disparities in all aspects, the movements were brutally suppressed one after another by the French colonialists. Unyielding to the French colonialists, many insurgents headed south, hiding in the forests, raising forces to wait for the day of the uprising. Following the example of the above heroes of the insurgents fighting against the French, the Do family continued to follow in the footsteps of the patriotic insurgents and ... View more





During the reign of Minh Mang (1820-1840), France sent consuls and envoys to Vietnam many times to request trade but were rejected by the Nguyen court. Using the excuse that Vietnam refused to hand over and killed clergy and parishioners, the French Government decided to use force to realize its ambitions. On September 1, 1858, the French-Spanish coalition attacked Da Nang, beginning the invasion of Vietnam. On February 17, 1859, the French army opened fire to capture Gia Dinh citadel. In just 8 years, with political and military tricks, France invaded all 6 provinces of Cochinchina.

With patriotism and indomitable will, many patriotic scholars in the South did not follow the court's policy of making peace with France, and rallied the people to revolt against the invading French colonialists. France broke out, but due to disparities in all aspects, the movements were brutally suppressed one after another by the French colonialists. Unyielding to the French colonialists, many insurgents headed south, hiding in the forests, raising forces to wait for the day of the uprising.

Following the example of the above heroes of the insurgents fighting against the French, the Do family continued to follow in the footsteps of the patriotic insurgents and the people along the Cai Tau river - U Minh forest to rebel against the French. Two insurgent leaders Do Thua Luong (also known as Long) and Do Thua Tu (also known as Thua Nguon), their father was Do Van Nhan, a martial arts graduate of the Nguyen Dynasty, when the French colonialists invaded Vietnam, their family He dispersed to Lai Vung, Dong Thap, then went to Cai Tau, Ca Mau. Unyielding to the colonial invaders, the two men mobilized more than 300 insurgents to set up a war zone against the French in the Cai Tau river area. In 1872, the insurgents occupied a large area of land from Cai Tau to An Bien, Kien Giang. To protect the strong base, at Han Lon Canal and Han Nho Canal on Cai Tau River, Do Thua Luong and Do Thua Tu mobilized people to weld the river to stop enemy ships. In the second half of the 19th century, the Cai Tau River area was a wild area with sparse houses, mainly poor people living on fishing. However, the number of local people participating in the insurgency is very large, among them there are 3 active people: Mr. Hai Khoa, Mr. Hai Thay Tu and a Chinese man of Hainan origin, also known by the people as Mr. Long. State (or Lao State).

Do Thua Luong and Do Thua Tu chose U Minh as a base to resist the French. The insurgents used clever guerrilla tactics and took advantage of the dangerous terrain of the U Minh forest, so they achieved many resounding victories. For more than 4 years (1871 - 1875), the insurgent army under the command of two young leaders Do Thua Luong and Do Thua Tu fought many fierce battles, capturing weapons including cannons, contributing to improving the situation. equip the insurgents with weapons. Our army killed Mr. Osan-gieu and Mr. Phan Tu Long, district chief, these were the first two robbers and traitors to be destroyed on Ca Mau soil.

In 1875, France focused on the South, hunting down and attacking the base. The insurgent army disintegrated, two insurgent leaders, Do Thua Luong and Do Thua Tu, were arrested. On August 3, 1875, the French colonialists put two men to death in Chau Thanh district, Ha Tien province. Mr. Khoa and Mr. Two Monks were arrested and exiled to Cayenne. In 1930, the two men were released and returned to their homeland. Mr. Hai Khoa lived a hard life for over 40 years in a deep forest and poisonous water, so he lived for a few years and then passed away. As for Mr. Hai Monk, he went to the temple to continue practicing and then passed away a few years later

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